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Juliana Figueiredo

Libere a sua rotina da tensão e do estresse. Melhore a sua saúde física conectando-se com sua voz interior. Conheça os benefícios da Microfisioterapia.

Massagem relaxante Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Relaxing massage

Use of hands with subtle movements to release tension and make the patient experience moments of relaxation.

Fisioterapia Manipulativa Ortopédica Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Orthopedic Manipulative Physiotherapy 

Electrothermophototherapic resources, manual therapy and kinesiotherapy are used in rehabilitation.

Liberação Miofascial Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Myofascial release

Bodywork technique focused on the fascia and which also involves the relief of emotional pain.

Tratamento integrativo Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Integrative Treatment

Techniques that regulate sleep, food, stress, blood pressure and other organic factors.

Psicogenealogia Evolutiva Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Evolutionary Psychogenealogy

Search for emotional scars through micro palpations, stimulating the body to eliminate trauma.

Leitura biológica Dra Juliana Figueiredo

Biological Reading

Germanic Medicine reveals the origin of all physical symptoms by the biological invariant "brain - psyche - organ".

Microfisioterapia Dra Juliana Figueiredo


Search for emotional scars through micro palpations, stimulating the body to eliminate trauma.

Therapies that meet your essence.

The alignment of the main physiotherapy techniques with the patient's mental and emotional perceptions is the basis of the methodology applied in therapies, strengthening health in an integrated and sustainable way.

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Dra Juliana Figueiredo

About me

Physiotherapist graduated from Universidade Santa Cecília de Santos in 2004, with certifications in several areas of physiotherapy and alternative therapies.

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